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I saw them cross the twilight of an age
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he following is an excerpt from the new book, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by  Lee Carroll and Jan Tober

What is an Indigo Child? And why do we call them Indigo? First, the definition:

An Indigo child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has common unique factors that suggest that those who interact with them (parents, in particular) change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. To ignore these new patterns is to potentially create imbalance and frustration in the mind of this precious new life. The subject of this chapter is to identify, qualify, and validate the attributes of an Indigo Child.

There seems to be several kinds of Indigos, and we will describe them later in this chapter, but in the following list we can give you some of the most common behavioral patterns. Do these fit anyone you know?

The ten most common traits of Indigo Children:

1. They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).

2. They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

3. Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

4. They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

5. They simply will not do certain things; for example - waiting in line is difficult for them.

6. They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented and don't require creative thought.

7. They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and at school, which makes them seem like "system busters" - (nonconforming to any system).

8. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often let no other human understand them. School is extremely difficult for them socially.

9. They will not respond to "guilt" discipline - (Wait till you father gets home and finds out what you did").

10. They are not shy in letting you know what they need.

Why are these children called Indigo?

Throughout the history of psychology, there have been systems of grouping human behavior. Indeed, often we all seem to fall into "clumps" of behavior patterns, sometimes fun to read about and identify with. These groupings try to identify and correlate human actions in many different ways - undoubtedly searching for some formula that neatly fits everyone into a slot of some kind, helping those who deal with the study of the human mind. Some of these systems are ancient; some are very new.

Validation of this fact is made by Richard Seigle, M.D., a practicing psychiatrist who is also very involved in human and spiritual studies within the Navajo Indian Nation.

Dr. Seigle's input:

Throughout the history of Western civilization, we have had a strong need to explore, define and judge. As we discover new lands and peoples on Earth, our first thoughts were: "Who is like us and who is not. And what can we take?" Those people who were not like us in terms of color, belief, culture, and language were considered inferior throughout much of our history.

In scientific terms, we tried to categorize people by the shape of their heads, skin color, IQ, and so on. Anthropologists and psychologists have spent years evaluating how we think feel, and act. Here are some examples of various categorization systems:

Intelligence tests, such as Wechsler (WAIS) and Stanford-Binet Personality.

Personality tests such as MMPI, MCMI, Type A, and Type B.

Projective personality assessments, such as Rorschach, TAT, and SCT.

Memory tests, such as WMS and Bender.

Specific psychological factors. Factors such as the following have sometimes been used as a basis for grouping human behavior; family structure and customs; culture; dreams; self-psychology; bonding and attachment; myths; religion; conscious and unconscious motivation and thoughts.

Recognized psychiatric theorists such as the following used various systems of personality typing: Freud, Jung, Adler, Berne, Fromm, Kernberg, Klein, Maslow, Peris, Reich, Rogers, Skinner, and Sullivan.

Gandhi said, "Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization." The end of this millennium signals a higher consciousness of love and acceptance of all people - something that we could have learned centuries ago from the native cultures, if only we hadn't perceived them as inferior.

Besides the traditional ones, there are also the spiritual and metaphysical grouping systems, which try to classify humans based on, for example, their birth attributes (astrology), their life energy, or their sacred animal association (Chinese and American Indian roots). Whatever you think of astrology and some of these seemingly unscientific systems, they have been recognized and identified institutionally as some of oldest sciences, having been found in many of the most ancient texts of human studies. All of these systems, ancient and current, exist to help humans better understand humans.

LEE CARROLL/JAN TOBER/KRYON: Authors of the new hit book The Indigo Children, and 7 other channelled Kryon books, Lee, Jan and Kryon will again present loving information that is new for the planet. Often referred to as the most validated channel in current metaphysics, Lee will present information about how 2000 is changing our very reality. Special revealing slide presentation by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys* validating the magnetic cellular healing of cancer in CANADA!

Order the book!

The Indigo Children Website



by anonymous from the message board

Date: July 24, 1999
Subject: Help with my Indigo
Posted By: xxx

Hi all. I have a 15 month old son that I believe is one of these "new kids". I love my son completely and could never hurt him or anyone else. But my son is driving me crazy!

I have been around children my whole life and I have never encountered such a BUSY child. I can not get anything done with him. I can't get him to nap. I can't get him to eat anything except bread, yogurt, tropical fruit, & cookies. He won't drink any milk. I can not get him weaned. He can not/will not sleep through the night.

I know these things I mentioned above are characteristics of just about every "normal" child, but my son takes all of these things to the extreme. NONE of the parenting advice that I have read, been told, or observed applies to my son. I have tried everything short of running away! I am a Reiki II practitioner & I use it on my son all the time. I even had him attuned to see if it would help & it hasn't. I have spent hours at a time beaming him & hands on while he is sleeping. I have tried all the sleeping methods. I have tried letting him scream. I have let him wake up for an hour or two hoping that he may sleep in and he never does. I have tried rushing to him to pat him back to sleep. I have tried letting him sleep with my husband and I. None of these things worked for us.

I am dying for a stretch of sleep longer that 3 hours. After 15 months of napping I NEED some more sleep. I also need to get a job out side of my home to help support my family but I can't with the way my son is and not being able to get enough sleep for myself to have a coherent thought puts that idea to a halt.

He is super intelligent. He has a vocabulary of more than 60 words. He willingly brushes his own teeth and does a fairly good job of it. Once he masters something he never bothers with it again. I have tons of "obsolete" toys, like shape sorters and duplo blocks. He understands Spanish (his father is hispanic but rarely speaks Spanish to him). He will follow 2 or 3 part instructions ( Where is the remote? Turn the TV on & give it to me.). He can open anything. And he sees things that no one else does, if you know what I mean. He has never been sick. Never taken an antibiotic. He has all of his baby teeth short of the 2 year molars. He had his first tooth at 3 months and hasn't stopped since. And he has eyes that can melt your heart.

I am near the end of my rope. Sometimes I have to sit him down & go off to blow off steam. I get so frustrated trying to figure him out. I know he understands not to do something because of the way he looks at me. I have tried explaining why not to do something, smacking his hands, yelling, crying, and removing him from whatever. Nothing has helped us.

I am desperately in need of advice from Indigo parents and other Indigos. I need to learn other ways to deal with these issues. I have read the Indigo Children book by Lee Carroll but it didn't really resolve anything for me. Please, no matter how small your idea may seem, please post it or email me. I will be so grateful for any thoughts and suggestions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Indigo Children Message Board


Excerpt of Interview with Dr. Robert Gerard

Sheryl Jackson -You were one of the contributors to the book, The Indigo Children. What do you think all of this has to do with these children? Do you think, as some are saying, that these children have different DNA, and that we are beginning to reflect what they already have?

Dr. Gerard - That's a big question! I just had a lady who read my chapter in The Indigo Children send me an e-mail asking if her 18 month old son has more DNA than others. Everyone is asking this. I think if you looked under a microscope at the human DNA, you would see a double strand as it is naturally. That is my personal opinion right now. I'm hoping that the activated DNA would show to be multiple, but the fact remains that no matter what scientific school of thought you come from, using the results so far taken from the Human Genome Project, you can only see around 35%, maybe 40% of the entire DNA. You can see this with computerized help, but the rest is still unknown. We have one double strand now that is still unknown. Now you are going to add 10 new strands on top of that! You would be called a woo-woo nut in a minute. However, just like you have an auric field around you, and you have memory that is not only in your blood and bones, but also around you, and your brain is a transmitter to receive it, you do have consciousness.

To me, it seems that consciousness is what we are working at. We are working at a very sophisticated level of a higher consciousness that dictates the DNA function at a much more proficient level. It forces the DNA to do something, via INTENT. So in our activations, we bring in five new functionalities, or 10 new strands, since each is 2-stranded DNA. We stack and integrate these upon each other. Just that intent alone activates the process. To me, it is consciousness-driven, so the kids coming into the planet are coming in at a higher consciousness. It doesn't mean they are physically different, but, physically, they can perform better because their consciousness is more expanded. The DNA structure, whether it is a double strand or 12-strand or even 16-strand, has to function according to the consciousness. The real movement is the energy that is generating consciousness, and at that level of consciousness, what m-a-t-t-e-r is being generated through the physical phenomenon.

There are a couple of filters, if you will. It doesn't work that DNA expands consciousness, but rather that consciousness expands DNA, and that DNA facilitates that through proficiency. When you say you have an Indigo child, the doctor doesn't see this color indigo. He checks the child's blood and sees a double strand of DNA. The key is that, at the Creator level of existence, the position we pray to, is where we really need to be focusing, and the physical phenomena will eventually match that. These kids that are coming in, are coming in with the propensity for a much more functional DNA system. I hope soon that when we look through the microscope we will see multiple DNA strands. I am not going to get into the game of "My kid had expanded DNA the day he was born." I say he has come in with a higher degree of agreement between his cells, his deity and his physical body on this earth plane. They are much more tuned-in, which is really what I see in my daily communication with children. They are totally human, and they are better! They are just more on the ball. They have more insight, and they are quicker.

The Indigo child needs to be respected. It is not so much the DNA that is superior, but it is the consciousness that is expanded. Everyone wants proof and validation that they have a special child, and it is getting out of hand! Instead, relax and learn from your "Indigo" child.

Alien-ated Youth

They're the next step in human evolution. But they're just like everybody else.


Jeff Fitlow

Jan, shown with her grandmother, has the Indigo's trait of finding homework boring.

From the Week of Thursday, December 19, 2002

At first glance, they look like perfectly ordinary first-graders scribbling feverishly on the blackboard, but there is something striking about the boy's deep blue eyes that suggests a maturity well beyond his years. Jake's in advanced classes and already reading at a third-grade level. Jan is the quiet one, but has a presence that immediately draws attention. Her predilection is toward art, though at the moment she is choosing to write math equations on the board, erasing them as soon as she's completed each of her computations.

Jake's mother is a teacher at this Baytown-area school, and worries that he may be ostracized by his peers if word ever gets out about his special gifts. "He questions everything because he wants to know," she says as her son draws a picture of a lollipop tree. "The questions he asks are not even age-appropriate."

These children tend to know things without ever being taught or told. Jake's companion Jan "can use a compound bow very well," says the girl's grandmother, Jill Spence. "She can shoot a BB gun; she goes fishing." It just came naturally to her, Spence says. She can't explain it.

They go by many names, such as Star Kids, Indigos or Crystalline Children. Whatever they're called, believers say this group of prodigies started appearing about 30 years ago and may now make up as much as 90 percent of the population under ten. They also exhibit strange side effects, like a higher resistance to pollutants but an increased sensitivity to sugar and food additives. These are babies born with an inherent knowledge of art, language and spirituality, possessing an impressive wealth of wisdom. Some will even go so far as to say these kids are not only prime candidates for the gifted and talented program, but the next step in human evolution.

Parents and those who study these children have been asking themselves why here? Why now? Theories about their origins range from spirits entering from other planes and dimensions to chosen ones delivered from heaven. Some even suggest aliens have been abducting and manipulating the DNA of these children and their parents to prepare us for when they make their presence known. The one thing all these groups do agree on is that the kids are out there, and they're coming to teach us a lesson.

The term Indigo Child was coined 17 years ago by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist who developed a system for classifying people's personalities according to the hue of their auras, described in her 1982 book, Understanding Your Life Through Colors. According to her, auras have been entering and exiting Earth throughout history. For example, aura colors such as fuchsia and magenta disappeared from the gene pool 100 years ago (though she was recently shocked to find a fuchsia living in Palm Springs). It stood to reason that a new life color was about to make an appearance.

Tappe was unable to find the new color scheme until a baby was born with a heart murmur at a children's hospital in San Diego whom she recognized as being dark blue. The child died six weeks later, but more and more indigo-colored personalities began to appear in the '80s, and their numbers were clearly rising.

But it was the 1999 book The Indigo Children, by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, that popularized the idea of the next generation. Carroll was an economics major who ran a technical audio business for 30 years until a visit to a psychic prompted a New Age midlife crisis. He found religion and started traveling around the world giving "self-help" seminars. Accompanying him was Tober, a practitioner of metaphysics and hands-on healing as well as a jazz singer who had toured with Benny Goodman and Fred Astaire. The genesis of the book came when they began noticing similar accounts of strange behavior in children from teachers, counselors and psychologists who attended their seminars. As they began to look into these occurrences, they found kids were indeed being born with an "unusual set of psychological attributes" and displaying "a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." Using a collection of essays and interviews from experts in the field -- mostly counselors working in such New Age areas as Angel Therapy and alternative medicines -- the book focuses on raising an Indigo Child. Some of the main attributes they describe are a sense of "deserving to be here" and "knowing who they are," difficulty with authority, a dislike of activities that don't require creative thought and a feeling of royalty (and acting like it).

The peculiarities of Jake and Jan (their families asked that their real names not be used) were apparent from an early age. As a toddler, Jan sometimes spoke using her own language. Instead of "cookie," she would say "cookah" and refused to call a sandwich anything but a "phonic." Odder still, she didn't begin speaking until she was three years old. For Jake's part, he had trouble grasping the concept that he was not in charge. "He has to be told," Jake's mother says. "He doesn't think he needs permission." Spence noticed a similar idiosyncrasy in her granddaughter. "You have to coax her to do her homework," she says.

As proof of Jan's exceptional talent, her grandmother pulls out an example of her artwork, a crayon drawing of a rainbow, stick family and M-shaped birds flying in the sky. "Most all of her pictures are rainbows," Spence says, noticing a theme running throughout her work. She feels that must have something to do with Jan's ability to see auras. She also points out the plant Jan drew with watermelons, pears and other fruit growing on it. "God told her that was how plants were going to grow."

Jan doesn't quite agree. "I just made it up," she says. Like many Indigos, she's very shy about discussing her abilities. Once she has drawn for a few minutes, Jan feels comfortable enough to talk. She admits she feels she's different "when Satan tries to come in my head." Most of the time, she says, Satan tries to come in at night. (Indigos often receive their visions through dreams.) Jan shrugs when asked what sorts of information she receives, and continues to draw. She says she knows she's an Indigo because "my mother told me."

Jake found out he was an Indigo when his mother read a book on the subject. His mother's psychic recently told him he might even be higher than that, something called a Crystalline Child. "I think she was telling me so I could understand him better," she says. What he needs to do in this world, she says, is to learn to be human. "Once he can conquer that, then he can teach and he can heal, and that's the struggle." The hardest part about raising an Indigo, she says, is not getting the chance to be parents. She starts to recount one epiphany she had when her son realized some insects he caught had a mother and father.

"You said that," Jake objects. "You're the one who said it had a mother and father."

"I wasn't in your classroom," his mother says.

"You told me."

"He's always talking about God," Jake's mother continues. "But it's not questioning -- he knows." Yet she had never taken him to church. What's more, he remembers his past lives. "He's always talking about his other mother, his other fathers and siblings, and he'll tell you how they died," Jake's mother says. Just the other day, Jake said he didn't want to hurt her feelings, but that his other mother was prettier.

Jake runs into the school bathroom, slams and locks the door. "I'm not making fun of you," his mother calls after him. If she doesn't talk about him, she explains through the door using her most soothing voice, "there won't be other people who understand who you are, and who Jan is, and what it's like to try and help." After a few moments, she says that Jake probably feels she's betrayed his trust, since he doesn't want other people knowing about his gifts. "His teacher can't teach him. His speech teacher can't teach him. His occupational therapist can't teach him."

Jackie Brahm, a local "medical intuitive" who counsels Indigos, says it's not uncommon for their parents to have no control over them. Because they're so advanced, the kids don't feel like they have to obey. According to Brahm, this is why many Indigos get misdiagnosed as having ADD or ADHD. "They don't know how to process all the energy that's coming through, so they overload and react fairly badly to it."

Through her practice, Brahm has been able to hone her abilities for spotting these special children, and says she's been seeing an increasing number of them in public places. She found one three-year-old Indigo recently at a museum, critiquing one of the paintings on the wall. When the mother asked her how she could know, the girl explained that she used to be a "master." But when the mother asked if she would like to take up painting and demonstrate some of the abilities she learned in a past life, the girl thrust her hands on her hips, and said, "I told you, I was a master, I don't need to do it again."

Similarly, Jan refuses to do her homework because it's boring. She often objects by saying, "I know already. You don't have to tell me."

"They do not agree with the way society runs things," Brahm explains. "They think we're kind of stupid, that we've screwed things up." Brahm says that behavioral problems usually lie with the parents. To help, Brahm suggests including the children in the decision-making process, even allowing them to determine the punishments they should receive for infractions.

Kevin Krull, an adjunct assistant professor who runs clinical research on cognitive deficits at Texas Children's Hospital, sees a potential danger in misdiagnosing kids as Indigo. Youngsters with ADD who are not treated, he says, can experience declines in IQ and academic performance, and they have an increased rate of drug use.

Though Krull admits there has been a recent increase in children's IQ scores, there are a number of explanations, such as greater access to computers, the way tests are administered, and better nutrition and education. In general, he hasn't noticed any peculiar trends among children other than a slight curvature in their spines due to the increased use of backpacks.

Krull agrees that teaching kids they are capable and special can be positive, as long as they are not taught they're better than anybody else. Giving a child too much leeway or too little guidance can cause problems because the last thing to develop in the brain is the ability for abstract reasoning and planning, he explains. Some people don't fully develop that until the age of 30, he says. "Children don't have the ability to take all of the knowledge of life into account." For that, they need parents to guide them.

Behavioral problems sometimes develop in children as a result of the unrealistic expectations of their parents. Krull has seen many parents complain that their kids aren't reaching their full potential because they're bored in school. But he says this is often because children might decide that not doing homework is better than doing their best and getting only average grades. They often become underachievers, rebel or internalize their frustrations until they become depressed. "Everybody's child is gifted according to every parent," Krull says. "But most are normal, unfortunately."

Back at the Baytown school, Jake finally wanders out of the bathroom and walks straight over to the chalkboard. "I'm just not going to talk to anyone anymore," he says. "My mom is lying." The reason he's upset, he says, is his mother broke her promise not to tell people his secrets. "Remember I told you I had a girlfriend?" he says. She told his best friend, after promising not to.

"As a parent, he's my biggest teacher," Jake's mother says. "We're not raising him. He's raising us."

If the older Indigos are any indication, the future of these children is very much in doubt. Spence's daughter, who was an Indigo, had Jan at the age of 15. Because of her daughter's problems with drugs and alcohol, Spence took over rearing Jan when she was only six weeks old. Brahm's son, who is one of the first Indigos, was at the head of his class until the ninth grade, when he began to feel like he couldn't continue functioning in normal society. He stopped participating in school and started to fail his classes, eventually turning to drugs and alcohol.

"He took 100 hits of acid and opened up the whole universe," Brahm explains. Now he's an auto mechanic with a wife and two Indigo kids. Though working on cars doesn't appear to be the career that will bring the human race to the next state of consciousness, Brahm now believes her son's main purpose was simply to bring her grandchildren, who are the real teachers. She admits that her son and daughter-in-law, a fundamentalist Christian, don't agree that he's an Indigo.

Jay Batten is the mother of a 19-year-old restaurant manager who also will not admit being an Indigo. "He's a football player," she says, suggesting he might fear it's too sissy to admit his true nature. Indigos are also highly susceptible to peer pressure. "Mostly he just thinks I'm strange," she says. She believes her 12-year-old daughter will be the real teacher.

Brahm says that when Indigos become teenagers, they often lose many of their abilities as they attempt to conform. Unless they're raised correctly, a lot of their spiritual knowledge is lost.

The main sanctuary for Indigos and their families is an eclectic store in Galveston called Janet's Planet, which sells everything from books and furniture to cats and crystals. Batten works in the store, and she and Brahm offer New Age classes there. Owner Janet Dee has been known to have a soft spot for homeless kids, whom she often lets hang out in the store. Almost all of them, she says, are Indigos. One homeless Indigo youth, William Wolf, has a lot of "bad energy," Dee says, and sometimes he has to be asked to leave the Planet. (She confirms she's referring to the store.) Wolf once told Dee that all "cats and Jews" should die. "I own cats, and my good friend is Jewish," Dee says. She has been doing her best to show Wolf a "more joyous path."

"One fucking negative thing appears in the Houston Press, and I will personally track you down and beat the living shit out of you," Wolf says before wandering off toward the back of the store.

"William's a little intense," says Justin English, a 19-year-old who frequents the shop.

"Justin's one of our Indigos," Dee explains.

"What's an Indigo?" English asks, though he seems to like the idea.

Many homeless Indigos do drugs and steal, Dee explains, because they just don't know how to adapt to society's strange, alien ways. Brahm recounts the time she counseled a little Indigo boy who wanted to shoot people because he didn't think anyone could stop him. Brahm explained to him that yes, he could shoot people, but he'd be put in jail. "They don't put little kids in jail," the boy said, but Brahm told him that oh, yes, they do. As long as they understand there's a consequence for everything they do, Brahm explains, they behave. Just be careful to phrase it as an explanation, not an order.

Not all Indigos have such a rough time. Rachel Stegall is 26 years old with a bachelor's degree in marine biology and works in a lab at University of Texas Medical Branch. With Brahm's help, she discovered that she was one of the early Indigos. "I always felt I was different," she says. "I always felt more comfortable in nature than with people." She always had a fascination with things from the past, particularly medieval weapons, and yearned to return to the Middle Ages because she wanted to "remember someplace that was happy." She also loved to collect crystals, stones and fossils, and without anyone having to tell her, she instinctually knew that if she put the stones on her cat while it was purring, the vibrations would heal bones. "I always knew I had knowledge I didn't have," she says. "I'm starting to let it fill in."

Discovering she was an Indigo made everything seem to fall into place. "It makes me believe in myself more," she says. Last summer during a boat trip to the Amazon, she decided her purpose was to teach people about protecting whales and the tropical rain forest.

If there's a message she could pass on to other Indigos, it would be that it's "okay to be who you are and to do what you are here to do. That you have a purpose."

As to whether an alien intelligence is behind these unusual children, everyone involved is much more coy. "Nobody really knows," Batten says. "This is a really interesting question."

"I'm guessing maybe alien," Jake's mother says. Brahm might have mentioned something about her son coming from the planet Pleiades. "I don't know. I don't understand all of that."

"I don't know where souls come from. I don't remember," Brahm says, but she will say there are "six places on my genes that are not technically human." Any chance of getting a look at some of that blood work? "I'm not letting them take blood again. I will not become the object of investigation. I worked at a hospital. I know what they do."

The introduction to Carroll and Tober's book An Indigo Celebration, published last year, proclaims somewhat incredulously that readers of their first book "actually concluded that we were promoting the fact that these new children on Earth were space aliens!" A brief browse through their Indigo Children Web site certainly shows how people might have come to that conclusion.

There's a link to the sister site www.kryon.com that gives a better idea of the kind of self-help seminars Tober and Carroll are conducting. The site contains transcripts of messages channeled through Carroll from a higher being named Kryon. Carroll is credited as one of only nine channels in the world working "in the service of Kryon." Each channeling begins with the greeting "This is Kryon of Magnetic Service," directed to his followers, whom he refers to as Lightworkers. The messages contain instructions for communicating with spirit, healing and reaching the next "level." Carroll is also the author of several Kryon books, including Don't Think Like a Human.

A competing but similar proponent of the idea of highly evolved children is Richard Boylan, a retired social worker and hypnotherapist who works with what he calls Star Kids. He thinks the proponents of Indigos are noticing the same phenomenon but have taken it a bit too far with the New Age stuff. Boylan instead believes parents are being abducted by aliens and having their DNA manipulated to create enhanced offspring capable of telekinesis and ESP. He's seen absolute proof, but as so often happens in these cases, it's been locked away in some secret government lab. He doesn't suggest doing DNA tests on any Star Kids because any irregularities are so subtle that they can be recognized only by an expert. And as so often happens in these cases, the expert is dead of cancer. (Or was that really the cause of death?)

Some believers have integrated the competing theories by claiming Crystallines, Indigos and Star Kids are all different stages of evolution.

Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic magazine and author of Why People Believe Weird Things, says that aliens have become the newest popular religion, fulfilling many of the same needs. People turn to weird ideas, he says, because they want to believe in something that transcends the ordinary, gives certainty in an uncertain world, or helps them deal with their own mortality. "It comes with having a big cortex," Shermer says. Our brains are designed to find patterns, and sometimes we just connect dots that aren't there.

Comfort may be one of the things Spence has gotten from her belief in Indigos. Though she always believed in some form of metaphysics, what prompted her to seek out Brahm for a psychic reading was her brother's suicide. Brahm gave her some relief, doing a "clearing" of the house so that her brother's spirit would know it was okay to pass on. During their first meeting, Brahm informed Spence that her brother was probably an Indigo, which was why he had such problems dealing with our world. After hearing more about Spence's difficult daughter, Brahm determined that both Spence and Jan were probably Indigos as well. Brahm told Spence that her granddaughter had wanted to be raised by her all along, but had to "go through Mommy" because Spence couldn't have children anymore.

Shermer says psychics and healers can feed the human desire to reconcile with a loved one who has passed on, or can comfort someone by telling her that her raising her granddaughter was "meant to be." In the same way, parents believing that their child is an Indigo might fulfill their wish to have special, gifted kids. These groups tend to be intentionally vague about the specifics so that potential converts can find whatever might fill an emotional void in their lives. Although these ideas may provide peace of mind, Shermer doesn't buy the argument that they aren't harmful. "What's the harm in doing drugs to avoid reality?" he asks. In the end, it's always better to believe harsh truths rather than comfortable lies.

So if these kids don't necessarily do better in school, don't necessarily perform any better at work or live any happier lives, what is it about them that makes them "advanced"? What's the difference between an Indigo and some kid who just doesn't like to do homework or follow directions?

"If they seem to have a light in their eyes," Dee says.

"You just know," Spence says.

"I see how the kids turn around and either do what they're told or accept the punishment," Jake's mother says. "I'm around other kids all day long. They're so normal. They follow directions, they will conform, they will do what society expects them to -- they are kids. They do and talk and play. They don't question everything, they don't research everything." She doesn't know how to put it into words, she says, but it's really easy once you know how to recognize it. "You would have to live it to truly understand it."

Jan is still drawing trees and suns on the chalkboard, and erasing them as soon as they're finished. She is asked what she likes to do most in school. "To play," Jan answers.

"Tell them what you said you missed about kindergarten," Jake's mother says, wanting to demonstrate her child's remarkable gifts one last time.

Jake doesn't like first grade, he says, as he plays with a plastic dinosaur. What doesn't he like about it? "Um, um, um," he stutters. "Homework."

"What is it you liked about kindergarten?" his mother asks again.

"I was just a little kid, Mom," he snaps.

He liked all the playtime, she says, because it was unstructured and gave him the ability to learn at his advanced pace. During playtime, she says, he could study the things he wanted to, without being confined to the same rote assignments as the other children. It bores him, she explains, because he's so far beyond that.

"I didn't realize that first grade was going to be like this," Jake says, as he stares remorsefully down at his Tyrannosaurus. "I didn't know nobody gets to be kids."

Ah, the wisdom of children. Adults can always learn something from them. All they have to do is listen.

Originally published on Dec. 19, 2002


Subj: Children of the New Dawn

Date: 10/21/2003

From: kiara@eternaldoorway.com

Dear friends, As a follow up to my article on the Supramental Descent, here's more on the Indigo children, written about the same time as the other one. Many people have been writing me wishing to find books, schools, communities and other resources for working with these children. If you could help me with finding some of this information I will post it. To join or remove yourself from this list, please contact kiara@doorwaytoeternity.com. Love, Kiara

Children of the New Dawn

by Kiara Windrider (kiara@eternaldoorway.com)

In his epic poem, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo vividly describes a new race of humanity emerging on Earth, as different from humans today as we have ever been to the evolutions that have preceded us:

"…I saw them cross the twilight of an age,
The sun-eyed children of a marvelous dawn,
Great creators with wide brows of calm,
The massive barrier-breakers of the world,
Laborers in the quarries of the gods…
The architects of immortality.
Into the fallen human sphere they came
Faces that wore the Immortal’s glory still…
Bodies made beautiful by the spirit’s light…
Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy,
Lips chanting an unknown anthem of the soul,
Feet echoing in the corridors of Time.
High priests of wisdom, sweetness, might, and bliss;
Discoverers of beauty’s sunlit ways…
Their tread one day shall change the suffering earth
And justify the light on Nature’s face." (Savitri pp. 343-4)

Children have always been our hope for the future. Indeed, they are the future of hope if we are to survive at all. Certainly, our current species seems genetically intent on following the dinosaurs and millions of other species that once lived upon the earth and are now extinct. Will we die as we have lived, pathetically and violently, or will there be a legacy left behind that will sing the Earth back to life?

Sri Aurobindo seemed to indicate that a new species is emerging among us. We have a ways to go before this will happen, however. He saw that there would have to be a transitional species before the new "supramental" species was able to enter the rarefied realms of a purified Earth. He saw that each successive generation would carry this evolutionary potential further, and that we would develop through an "overhuman" stage before the "supramental being" could be anchored into the "true physical" realm of fourth dimensional matter.

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo felt that it could take another 300 years for conditions on Earth to be ready for supramental beings to incarnate. However, it seems to be clear to many observers that a transitional species is already here. Are these the ones that are being variously called the Indigo children, the Crystal Children, or the Children of Oz? Are these the ones who will launch humanity into a new era of consciousness, laying the groundwork for the emergence of the new species? Are these the ones that Sri Aurobindo so beautifully writes about?

I know many, like myself, who have been on the path what has been termed "ascension". We have done our inner work, we have cleansed our bodies, we have meditated, talked with angels and ascended masters, tried to build our "lightbodies", expand our "merkabahs", re-strand our DNA, and otherwise court physical immortality in every way imaginable . Still, we are susceptible to disease, and our bodies continue to age. There is much in our subconscious that is still unresolved, and we are still karmically tied into the planetary unconscious realms where reside the mighty illusions of darkness, falsehood, suffering and death.

Perhaps we are taking on a role that isn’t ours to take...yet. Perhaps we are to dream these possibilities and plant the seeds of hope, and others will come afterwards who will achieve these dreams and manifest these realities. The Mother claims that the supramental realms were first unified into her cellular body, and therefore the "mindfields" of the Earth on February 29, 1956. The Dream that is already present in the Supramental worlds was seeded into mass consciousness at that time, and each generation succeeds in taking it further. As our children and our children’s children complete their roles in healing the Earth, healing the splits between spirit and matter, and the ancient suffering we have borne as a result of this split, perhaps we will return as their children in the not so distant future in newly supramentalized bodies of light!

On a more immediate level, who are these new kids? What is their promise? Their minds think differently, their emotional bodies process feelings differently, their energy bodies are capable of holding stronger soul vibrations, and they have a new vision to share. They do not fit into mainstream society. Many of them appear to have special psychic and healing abilities, and need special support to control and develop these gifts. Drunvalo Melchizedek distinguishes between the Indigo children and the Super-Psychic children, whom I prefer to call the Violet children. Jimmy Twyman, in Emissary of Love, calls them Children of Oz, and speaks eloquently of his own experiences with this latter group, and the message they wish to share with the world.

As I see it, the Indigo children generally seem to range in age from the twenties into the forties, or even older, and includes the current generation of "lightworkers", while the Violet children are younger, and carry a different mandate. The Violet kids do not need to read any of this to know what’s real. They are linked mind to mind in a global psychic link-up that reflects a new fifth-dimensional morphogenetic grid on Earth. In future generations, they may be the first to step into what Sri Aurobindo envisioned as "supramental consciousness". They are also becoming known as the Crystal Children.

Steve Rother (www.lightworker.com) has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the New Planet Earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about these Crystal children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the 'Children of Crystal Vibration'. At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.

The following selections are drawn from Steve Rother’s internet site, where the unabridged version is available at www.lightworker.com/beacons. This information resonates with me deeply, and also seems to harmonize with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s understandings of our future evolution.

"Those that you call the Indigo children have already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins. The work of those you call Indigo will be known forever as the great shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are opening the door. Now let us tell you more of what is behind the door.

The Children of Crystal vibration are what you would consider to be the magical children with abilities that you have yet to understand. The attributes of Crystal Children are simply two-fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child's play to humans carrying the Crystal Vibration. You will begin to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.

Certain energy forms that you have adapted for your own use may be a bit difficult for the first Crystals to cope with. Electricity in particular may be awkward for some of the early Crystals as they acclimate. The energetic makeup of these children may cause unusual reactions to electrical devices. They have challenges defining their energetic boundaries and therefore, are empathic to electro magnetic fields. They may have a tendency to reflect back the energy they can not assimilate. It may be quite common for Crystal children to blow out electrical devices until they become accustomed to the energy. You will see children with abilities to physically move objects in ways you do not understand. You may see physical senses develop in some children that have never been part of the human experience prior. Even your sciences will have difficulty explaining what these children will see as simple energy.

At first, Crystal Children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They will form groups and grow together supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of 'magical children' with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm you have known. As time goes on you will see an acclimation of this energy and you will become more accustomed to the odd stories that will circulate about strange new abilities of some children. Watch for these and prepare yourself, for these are the physical signs that the human race is evolving. This is the return of the Children of Crystal vibration."

The Group goes on to say that what we are beginning to see so far are only the scouts who have been sent ahead to test the waters, and that powerful as they are, they are carrying only the first hints of the energy that is to come. They will be able to read not only our minds, but also our hearts. There will be no more secrets. They will have a sensitivity beyond our comprehension, but this sensitivity will be a gift as well as a challenge. The Group continues, saying:

"Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There are some people who will think this a sign of weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The Children of Crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they are."

According to the Group their biggest challenge will their inability to deal with other people’s fear. Fear is based on a belief in lack, and these children will enter with a belief system that knows nothing of lack, and therefore nothing of fear. They will need help in dealing with the general fear around them, which means that we will need to start dealing with our own deeply ingrained habits of fear, separation, limitation, and lack!

Over the past several months I have been in communication with three teenagers from different parts of the world who might perhaps be called Crystal Scouts. They are remarkably similar to each other. Their powers are indeed very vast and real, as is their extreme sensitivity. They can move things by just thinking so, they can create lightning or change weather, and they can consciously create positive mutations within their cellular DNA structures. They know how to heal. They feel they can also do this for other people, if they were invited to. They know of others like them, because they can sense them within their own minds, but sometimes feel isolated physically. They are in touch with fairies, angels and multidimensional cosmic beings. They have a hard time finding people they can trust, and have learned that it is not always safe to share too much of their world with adults around them. Like strangers in a strange land, they have great difficulty relating to the self-centered and limited perspectives that human society operates within, and most people find them very threatening in their vulnerability and directness. They feel frustrated because they know they are here to help, but feel that if they unleash their powers to assist the world, that it could leave much chaos in its wake. They feel there will be a big fight with evil, but that everything will work out for good in the end.

I have also been in email communication with many who are working with or wish to work with Indigo and Crystal Children. There are many who are parents or teachers of such children and wish to know how they can help raise them. Many have asked if special schools exist for them. Many ask about creating networks through which they might find each other. Many have beautiful and inspiring stories to share of their encounters with such children. Some have shared heartbreaking stories of how these kids could not find their way in the world and had become lost.

I invite readers who have feedback, resources or stories to share, or wish to network with others on this theme, to please contact me at kiara@doorwaytoeternity.com. If you know of internet chatrooms, alternative schools, books, or other resources for and about these children, please contact me too. Before long, using some of these materials, I hope to create an interactive forum on "Children of the New Dawn" through my website, www.doorwaytoeternity.com. This would also be a place where these children could find each other, share their struggles and their gifts, and exchange ideas for a better world.

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother felt from their own experiences that the Supramental Earth now already exists in a different dimension than our own. Perhaps we might call this the Fifth Dimension. They felt that all that was needed to bring this dimension into planetary experience was to build the bridges. Perhaps the Crystal Children are the bridges. In time, as this consciousness deepens upon Earth, as they find each other and learn to work within the old structures of Earth, as the old structures give way to new structures that will sustain them and sustain supramental life upon the Earth, we might find ourselves at the threshold of a Collective Planetary Shift. The Sun-Eyed Children are the inheritors of this New Dawn!

What On Earth is Happening To Our Bodies?

Birthing the DNA of Light

49 - The Levels of Consciousness

DNA - Past & Future


