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【2150】by1 2018-11-26 最后编辑2018-11-26 21:49:06 浏览575

Starchild focuses on empowering children to build self-esteem, develop life skills and improve learning by offering group workshops, talks and one-on-one coaching sessions for both children and their parents. 

Statistics show that 85% of all adults have self-esteem issues in one or more area of their lives, many of which arise in childhood. 

Today's children face many more challenges than children of previous generations. If not taught how to approach these life lessons, children often feel overwhelmed, insecure and stressed which leads to poor self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem is vital to success and happiness and children that are given tools to nurture a strong sense of self and a healthy self-esteem are not only happier, more balanced children but also turn out to be more successful adults in the long run.

We teach secure and confident children how to stay that way even through life's challenges and support children with low self-esteem to become self-assured, happy and fulfilled.

Starchild offers various programs that empower children to improve:


Let us support you in bringing out the inner STAR in YOUR child!

Starchild Coaching was established by Life Skills Coach Tracy-Leigh Kinsey in response to a need for a support program to assist children in reaching their full potential. Modern children are faced with a multitude of challenges which, if they are not taught how to handle, will negatively affect the way they feel about themselves and the world in which we live. 

Parents all want the best for their children but often feel like they need a little assistance in giving them exactly what they need in order to succeed. Starchild Coaching offers various programs, workshops and training to support parents in raising happy, confident children with all of the necessary tools to become self-assured, successful adults.




Tracy is a qualified Self-Esteem Elevation and Life Skills Coach as well as a focused and dedicated mother who has a passion for working with children. 

After achieving success in both the advertising and marketing industries, Tracy decided to change her life's course and chose to inspire children to build a better future. 

In 2008 she completed the Life Skills for Kids Teacher Training Program which formed the foundation for Starchild Coaching. Since then Tracy has completed many courses to further enrich the work that she does with children on a daily basis and prides herself in staying up to date with the latest developments in the industry. Tracy is a qualified facilitator and trainer for Izabella Little-Gates' Life Talk Program. 

Training that Tracy has completed includes: Life Skills for Kids Teacher Training, Positive Parenting Teacher Training, Joe Rubino's Self Esteem Elevation Program, Neuro Integration Movements, Brain Gym® 101, Optimal Brain Organisation, Reflexes and Reading and Writing, The Point Development, True Point Development, The Power of Love and Louise Hay's - Love Yourself, Heal your Life Program.

Tracy believes that healthy self-esteem is associated with solid problem-solving skills and ultimately a happy, successful life and is passionate about creating an environment where both children and their parents can improve these essential skills.

