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What A Friend We Have In Jesus
【2204】by1 2018-05-06 最后编辑2018-10-17 15:57:19 浏览709

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

歌手:Maranatha! Music

专辑:God's Country And Western

What a friend we have in Jesus,何等恩友, 慈仁救主,

all our sins and griefs to bear! 负我罪孽担我忧

What a privilege to carry何等权利,

everything to God in prayer!能将万事 来到耶稣座前求!

O what peace we often forfeit,多少平安, 我们坐失,

O what needless pain we bear, 多少痛苦冤枉受

all because we do not carry都是因为

everything to God in prayer.未将万事, 来到耶稣座前求.

2. Have we trials and temptations? 我们有无试探引诱?

Is there trouble anywhere? 有无难过苦关头?

We should never be discouraged;决不应当因此灰心:

take it to the Lord in prayer.仍当到主座前求!

Can we find a friend so faithful何处能寻这般良友,

who will all our sorrows share? 同尝一切苦与愁?

Jesus knows our every weakness; 我们弱点, 主都知道,

take it to the Lord in prayer. 放心到主座前求!
