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Saint Francis, the Popes, and Crop Circle
【65902】by1 2018-11-26 最后编辑2018-11-26 20:52:54 浏览747

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A triangular crop circle formation appeared at West Kennett Longbarrow, on 13 August 2013 --

West Kennet Longbarrow crop circle, 13 August 2013

                                              Image credit: Jim Payton

The image is similar to many other crop fomations that have appeared over the years, such as the one that appeared at Barbury Castle in 1991, which was said to represent the Alchemical Trinity --


                                                    Image credit: George Wingfield 

A Facebook comment compared the new triangular formation to a painting of Salvador Dali -- Christ of Saint John of the Cross --

Triangular Crop Circle Compared to Dali Painting

 I had noted in 1991 that the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation was similar to the Dali painting. I found two study drawings in an art book related to the painting, which seemed to confirm the connection --

Dali's Study Drawings

The text explained --

By far the most popular of all Dali's religious works is without a doubt his Christ of Saint John of the Cross, whose figure dominates the Bay of Port Lligat. The painting was inspired by a drawing, preserved in the Convent of the Incarnation in Avila, Spain, and done by Saint John of the Cross himself after he had seen this vision of Christ during an ecstasy. . . . At the bottom of his studies for the Christ, Dali wrote: "In the first place, in 1950, I had a cosmic dream in which I saw this image in color and which in my dream represented the nucleus of the atom. This nucleus later took on a metaphysical sense; I considered it the very unity of the universe, the Christ! In the second place, when, thanks to the instructions of Father Bruno, a Carmelite, I saw the Christ drawn by Saint John of the Cross, I worked out geometrically a triangle and a circle, which aesthetically summarized all my previous experiments, and I inscribed my Christ in this triangle."

I also experienced some odd coincidences related to the paining, which I will report later in this article.

Within two weeks of seeing the new triangular formation, the incredibly profound meaning became quite clear. It was like two decades of key puzzle-pieces coming together with events over two millennia, connecting with prophecies and Biblical accounts. The formation suggests the upside-down crucifixion of Saint Peter --

2013 Triangular Crop Circle Compared to St. Peter Crucified Upside down

                                          Image credit: Bertold Zugelder 

Note the "pendulum" below the triangle. After realizing that the formation may represent Saint Peter, I recalled the comment of a frustrated friend about the very, very slow changes made by the Catholic Church -- like the very slow movement of a pendulum. Note that the pendulum is not vertically aligned with the triangle -- it is offset by a few degrees. It may suggest that we are near a critical stage, where the alignment becomes straight.

There have been other similar "pendulum" type crop formations. Some have two rectangular boxes beside the pathway, and others have one on each side.

      Twist Bar horozontal separator

                                                                     New Theory -
                                                         Saint Peter, the Popes 
                                                 and Zearah of the Scarlet Thread

These developments were a confirmation of a speculative idea I wrote about in a January 2012 article, titled, The Incredible 777 Coincidence on 9-11-2001. The following (between the horizontal bars) is taken straight from that article --
                                 small section spacing bar

This is from the 777 article -

                                   Saint Peter Crop Circle Formations

Significantly, two crop formations have appeared in places named after Saint Peter --

           Two St. Peter Crop Circles

Around 10 July 2005, a Seed of Life type crop formation appeared at Chalfont St Peter, near Rickmansworth, Oxfordshire. Around 3 June 2010, a twelve-fold formation appeared at Codford St Peter, near Warminster, Wiltshire. The two formations fit well with the ideas expressed above, relating to Saint Peter and the Seed of Life, as symbolic of the central sphere of the Tree of Life opening like an aperture to form a twelve-fold design. In this case, it is similar to a flower blossoming.

Part of the meaning of this came to me like puzzle pieces. The relationship of St Peter to Jesus, I believe, is similar to the relationship between various Biblical brothers or twins, such as 
Esau and Jacob, or Perez and Zerah -- the twin sons ofJudah and Tamar (Genesis 38). The second born son inherits the Kingdom. The idea is that the Creator conceives of the ideal Son, who must first undergo a karmic stage of development -- symbolically given to the first born. This is the cycle of dealing with the lower three chakras, the animal instincts. Near the end of the developing stage, the first born son is symbolically an "old man." And then, the second Son is symbolically born as the New Child, who will then be the King of the Kingdom -- the name of the tenth sphere of the Tree of Life. During the developmental stage, one is an unconscious co-creator of the reality. Upon reaching the heart chakra, the person becomes a conscious co-creator, symbolized by Lion King. True free will is achieved at that point.

In the case of Saint Peter, the first born stage has lasted some two thousand years, carried on by a 
succession of Popes. The present Pope, Benedict XVI, is the 265th. That number is symbolically coincidental in a meaningful way, because in the original story of the 153 Fish in the Net, the dimension of the Net was 153 x 265, the division of which demonstrates a close approximation of the square root of three (265 / 153 = 1.732). Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI on 19 April 2005, some 82 days prior to the appearance of the Chalfont St Peter crop formation. Some say that he will be the last Pope, based mostly on the prophesies of St Malachy and Nostradamus. See --

Next Pope - The Anti-Pope - The Hanged Man

The Bones of the Triumvir

I do not believe that Benedict XVI will be the last Pope, nor that the Church will cease to exist. The Popes and the Church are likely to carry on into the future for some time. However, I see this as a symbolic truth, representing an advancement in the spiritual development of mankind. As I see it, people will be guided by their own internal authority, rather than accept blindly the authority of the Church.

                                     small section spacing bar

                                              Odd Events and Prophecies Fulfilled

Of course, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on 11 February 2013, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis on 13 March 2013. Within hours of Pope Benedict's announcement, lightning struck the Vatican dome twice! --

Vatican Lightning Strike

 This was quite a meaningful symbolic event, especially when viewed in the light of related material. I will elaborate more on that in this article.

Strangley, Pope Benedict said that he had a "mystical experience" in which he received a divine message that fostered the "absolute desire" to be with God in private prayer. He also said that the "charisma" shown by successor, Pope Francis, showed that the resignation was indeed "God's will".

As if to confirm that these events were planned from On High, a man in Spain reported that he dreamed that Pope Benedict would resign and be replaced by a Pontiff called Francis. He had the dream hours before the resignation was announced. It was verified that his girlfriend sent out a tweet on February 11 claiming that earlier that morning her boyfriend had awoken with the prediction.

Having two Popes at the same time seemed to substantually fullfill a Nostradamus prophecy (C5:Q92) --

After the see has been held for seventeen years,
It will change hands five times in a comparable period of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time [as another],
Who will not be too much in conformity with the Romans.

Interestingly, Pope Francis has proved to be not too much in conformity with previous Popes of Rome. 

Significantly, Pope Pius XI held the see for almost exactly seventeen years -- from 6 February 1922 until 10 February 1939. Five Popes held the see between Pope Pius XI and Pope Benedict XVI -- 

Pope Pius XII - 2 March 1939 to 9 October 1958
Pope John XXIII - 28 October 1958 to 3 June 1963
Pope Paul VI - 21 June 1963 to 6 August 1978
Pope John Paul I - 26 August 1978 to 28 September 1978
Pope John Paul II - 16 October 1978 to 2 April 2005

The period of time was not really "comparable" to seventeen years, but primary parts of the prophecy seem to have been fulfilled. 

Scholar, Thomas Jude Germinario, points out the significance of the number seventeen --

It happens that the number 17 has a particular relevance to the theme of St. Peter. In the last chapter of John’s gospel, the resurrected Christ appoints Simon Peter to shepherd his flock until his return. Before doing this, however, Jesus instructs the Fisherman to cast his net for a prodigious catch of fish, numbering 153. Adding up the numbers from 1 to 17, we find the sum is 153.

The 153 Fish in the Net story of John 21 is associated with this diagram --

                                            153 Fish in the Net Diagram

Similar stories were told prior to the advent of Christianity. The dimensions of the Net is 153 units in hight and 265 units in length --

Fish Net with dimensions 153 x 265

This demonstrates a very close approximation of the square root of three by the ratio 265/163. This makes it especially significant that there were 265 Popes prior to the two we have now.

Note the glyph in the diagram above representing the six desciples is a Seed of Life, which is part of the Flower of Life series. The Seed of Life represents the six days of creation. Many, many crop circle formations over the years relate to the Flower of Life series.

A pre-Christian version of the 153 Fish in the Net story involves Apollo's Omphalos Stone at Delphi --

                                                     Omphalos Stone 

Note the similarity in shape to the dome of the Vatican, which was struck by lightning twice when Pope Benedict resigned.

A dream reported to me in 1990 gave a clue to the meaning of such dome shapes --